Reelmaster 7000Hydraulic System Page 4 -- 4
General Information
Operator’s Manual
The Operator’s Manual provides information regarding
the operation, general maintenance and maintenance
intervals for your Reelmaster machine. Refer to that
publication foradditional information whenservicing the
Towing Traction Unit
IMPORTANT: If towing limits are exceeded, severe
damage to the piston pump may occur.
If it becomes necessary to tow (or push) the machine,
tow (or push) in a forward direction only, at a speed
below 3 mph (4.8 kph) and for a distanceless than1/4
mile (0.4 km). The piston (traction) pump is equipped
with a bypass valve that needs to be turned 90
for tow-
ing(Fig.1).Donotturn bypassvalvewhenengineisrun-
See Traction Unit Operator’s Manual for additional tow-
ing procedures.
IMPORTANT: If the machine must be pushed or
towed in a reverse direction, the check valve in the
4WD/2WD control manifold must be bypassed. To
bypass this check valve, connect a hydraulic hose
between the reverse traction pressure test port and
the 4WD/2WD control manifold test port (G). Toro
part numbers 95--8843 (hydraulic hose), 95--0985
(coupler fitting) (2 required) and 340-- 77 (hydraulic
fitting) (2 required) are needed for this connection.
1. Bypass valve location
Figure 1
Check Hydraulic Fluid
The R eelmaster 7000 hydraulic systems are designed
to operate on anti--wear hydraulic fluid. The reservoir
holdsapproximately 8.25U.S. gallons(31.3 liters)of hy-
draulic fluid. Check level of hydraulic fluid daily.
Figure 2
1. Hydraulic reservoir 2. Reservoir cap