Reelmaster 7000 Page 3 -- 3 Kubota Diesel Engine
General Information
This Chaptergives information aboutspecifications and
repair ofthe diesel engineused in the Reelmaster7000.
General maintenance procedures are described in your
Traction Unit Operator’s Manual. Information on engine
troubleshooting, testing, disassembly and assembly is
identified in the Kubota Workshop Manual, Diesel En-
gine, 03--M--DI--E3B.
Most repairs and adjustments require tools which are
commonly available in many service shops. Special
tools are described in the Kubota Workshop Manual,
Diesel Engine, 03--M--DI--E3B. The use of some spe-
cialized test equipment is explained. However, the cost
of the test equipment and the specialized nature of
somerepairs maydictatethatthe workbedoneatan en-
gine repair facility.
Service and repair parts for Kubota engines are sup-
plied through your Authorized Toro Distributor. If no
partslistisavailable,be preparedtoprovideyourdistrib-
utor with the Toro model and serial number.
Operator’s Manual
The Traction Unit and Engine Operator’s Manuals pro-
vide information regarding the operation, general main-
tenance andmaintenance intervalsfor your Reelmaster
machine.Refer tothese publicationsfor additionalinfor-
mation when servicing the machine.
Diesel Engine