Reelmaster 7000 Page 5 -- 35 Electrical System
Toro Electronic Controller (TEC)
The Reelmaster 7000 uses a Toro Electronic Controller
(TEC) to monitor the condition of various switches (in-
puts) and thendirects poweroutput toallow certain ma-
chine functions. The controller is located under the
operator seat (Fig. 49). The handheld Diagnostic D is-
play (see Special Tools in this chapter) with the correct
overlay should be used when checking inputs and out-
puts of the controller used on your Reelmaster (see
Troubleshooting in this chapter).
Inputs from the ignition, traction neutral, parking brake,
PTO, seat, cutting unit lift, mow/transport, engine cool-
ing fan, backlap, reel position, hydraulic temperature,
engine oil pressure and engine coolant switches are all
monitored by the controller.
Current output to the mow circuit hydraulic valve sole-
noid coils, lift circuit hydraulic valve solenoid coils and
engine components (glow plug relay, start relay, fuel
pump and enginerun solenoid) are controlled based on
the inputs received by the controller.
Because of the solid state c ircuitry built into the control-
ler, there is no method to test the controller directly. The
controller may be damaged if an attempt is made to test
itwith anelectrical testdevice, suchas adigital multime-
IMPORTANT: Before performing any welding onthe
machine, disconnect both positive and negative
battery cables from the battery,disconnect the wire
harness connector from the TECcontroller and dis-
connect the terminal connector from the alternator.
This will prevent damage to the electrical system of
your Reelmaster.
1. TEC controller
Figure 49