Reelmaster 7000Page 5 -- 34Electrical System
Traction Neutral Switch
The traction neutral switch is closed when the traction
pedalisintheneutralpositionand openswhenthepedal
is depressed ineither direction. The switch is locatedon
the right side of the piston (traction) pump (Fig. 47).
Before disconnecting thetraction neutral switch fortest-
ing, the switch and its circuit wiring should be tested as
a TEC input with the DiagnosticDisplay (see Diagnostic
Display in the Troubleshooting section of this chapter).
If the Diagnostic Display verifies that neutral switch and
circuit wiring are functioning correctly, no further switch
that neutral s witch and circuit wiring are not functioning
correctly, proceed with test.
To test the traction neutral switch, make sure that the
ignition switch is in the OFF position and the key is re-
moved from the switch. Disconnect the wire harness
connector from the neutral switch and connect a multi-
meter across the two (2) switch terminals. With the en-
gine turned off, slowly push the traction pedal in a
forwardor reversedirection whilewatching themultime-
ter. There should be indications that the traction neutral
switch is opening and closing. Allow the traction pedal
to return to the neutral position. There should be conti-
nuity across the switch terminals when the traction ped-
al is in the neutral position.
See Piston Pump Control Assembly in Chapter 4 -- Hy-
draulic Systems for disassembly and assembly proce-
dures for the neutral switch.
1. Piston (traction) pump 2. Neutral switch
Figure 47
Diode Assembly
The engine wire harness contains a diode that is used
for circuit protection from voltage spikes when the en-
gine starter solenoid is de--energized. The diode plugs
into the wiring harness near the starter motor (see En-
gine Wire Harness Drawing in Chapter 9 -- Foldout
Diode Test
The diode (Fig. 48) can be individually tested using a
digital multimeter (diode test or ohms setting) and the
table to the right.
Figure 48
1. Diode
2. Male terminal
3. Female terminal
Red Lead (+)
on Terminal
Black Lead (--)
on Terminal
Female Male YES
Male Female NO