Reelmaster 7000 Page 5 -- 27 Electrical System
Mow/Transport Sensor
The mow/transport sensor is a normally open proximity
sensorthat closeswhen themowspeed limiteris placed
in the transport (2WD) position. The sensor mounts to
a bracket on the footrest platform.The sensing plate for
the mow/transport sensor is the mow speed limiter. The
mow/transport sensor is used as an input for the TEC
Sensor Testing
1. Before disconnecting the mow/transport sensor for
testing, the sensorand its circuit wiring should be tested
as a TEC controller input with the Diagnostic Display
(see Diagnostic Display in the Troubleshooting section
ofthis chapter).If theDiagnostic Displayverifies thatthe
mow/transport sensor and circuit wiring are functioning
correctly, no further sensor testing is necessary. If, how-
ever, the Diagnostic Display determines that the mow/
transport sensor and circuit wiring are not functioning
correctly, proceed with testing procedure.
2. Turn ignition switch to the ON position (do not start
engine) and check LED on cable end of mow/transport
sensor (Fig. 35). LED should be illuminated when the
mow speed limiter is in the TRANSPORT (2WD) posi-
tion. The LED should not be illuminated when thelimit-
er is in the MOW (4WD) position.
3. Ifthe mow/transportsensor LEDdid notfunctioncor-
A. Makesure that themow/transport sensor isprop-
erly adjusted ( see Mow/Transport Sensor in the Ad-
justments section of this chapter). If necessary,
adjust sensor and return to step 2 above.
B. Make sure ignition switch is OFF and disconnect
the mow/transport sensor connector from machine
wire harness.
C. Verify that the machine wire harness connector
terminal for black wire is closed (continuity) to
D. Turn ignition switch to the ON position (do not
start engine) and verify with a multimeter that ma-
chine wire harness connector terminal for pink wire
has system voltage (12 VDC) present.
E. If black wire is c losed to ground, pink wire has
systemvoltagepresentandsensorLEDdid notfunc-
tion, replace mow/transport sensor. Adjust sensor
after installation (see Mow/Transport Sensor in the
Adjustments section of this chapter).
4. If the mow/transport sensor tests correctly and a cir-
cuit problemstill exists,c heck wire harness (see Electri-
cal Schematic and Wire Harness Drawings in Chapter
9 -- Foldout Drawings).
5. Make sure that mow/transport sensor is connected
to wire harness when testing is complete.
1. Mow speed limiter
2. Mow/transport sensor
3. Sensor cable
Figure 35