Groundsmaster 4300--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 113
Removal (Fig. 101)
1. Park the machine on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, lower the cutting decks and stop the en-
gine. Remove the key from the ignition switch.
2. Read the General Precautions for Removing and
Installing Hydraulic System Components at the begin-
ning of the Service and Repairs section of this chapter.
Before opening hydraulic system, operateall hy-
draulic controls to relieve system pressure and
avoid injury from pressurized hydraulic oil. See
Relieving Hydraulic System Pressure in the Gen-
eral Information section of this chapter.
3. Label all hydraulic connections for assembly pur-
poses. Thoroughly clean hydraulic hose ends prior to
disconnecting hoses from the steering cylinder.
4. Disconnect hydraulic hoses from steering cylinder.
5. Put caps orplugs on disconnectedhoses and fittings
to prevent contamination.
6. Remove two (2) jam nuts (item 16) that secure steer-
ing cylinder to axle. Remove cotter pin (item 20) and
slotted hex nut (item 29) that secure steering cylinder to
RH drag link.
7. Separate steering cylinder ball joints from axle as-
sembly and remove steering cylinder from machine.
8. If necessary, remove ball joints from steering cylin-
der barrel and shaft. If ball joint is to be removed from
cylinder shaft, fully retract cylinder shaft and measure
distance from cylinder front head to center of ball joint to
easeinstallationofball jointintocylindershaft (Fig. 102).
9. If hydraulic fittings are to be removed from steering
cylinder, mark fitting orientation to allow correct assem-
bly. Remove fittings from steering cylinder and discard
Installation (Fig. 101)
1. Ifhydraulic fittingswere removed from steering cylin-
der, lubricate new O--rings with clean hydraulic oil, posi-
tion O--rings to fittings and install fittings into steering
cylinder ports (see Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the
General Information section of this chapter). Make sure
that fittings are orientated correctly.
2. Ifremoved, pressballjoint into barrelandsecurewith
retaining ring.
3. If ball joint was removed from cylinder shaft, fully re-
tract cylinder shaft and thread ball joint into shaft so that
distance from cylinder front head to center of ball joint is
as measured during removal process. Tighten jam nut.
4. Thoroughly clean tapers on ball joints and axle as-
5. Position steering cylinder to machine.
6. Secure steering cylinder to axle with jam nuts (item
16). Tightenfirst jam nut and then, while holding firstjam
nut with wrench, tighten second jam nut.
7. Secure steering cylinder to RH drag link with slotted
hex nut (item 29). Install cotter pin (item 20).
8. Remove caps and plugs from hydraulic hoses and
9. Lubricate and install new O--rings on steering cylin-
der fittings. Correctly connect hydraulic hoses to steer-
ing cylinder (see Hydraulic Hose and Tube Installation
in the General Information section of this chapter).
10.Check oil level in hydraulic reservoir and add correct
oil if necessary.
11.Lubricate steering cylinder ball joint grease fittings.
12.Follow Hydraulic System Start--up procedures (see
Hydraulic System Start--up in this section).
13.Check that steering cylinder does not contact the
axle or frame as cylinder moves from fully retracted to
fully extended. Also, check that distance between the
drag links and steering stops are equal on both sides of
the machine. If necessary, adjust location of ball joint on
cylinder shaft.
Figure 102