Groundsmaster 4300--D Page 3 -- 15 Kubota Diesel Engine
7. Remove plugs installed in hoses during disassem-
bly. Connec t hoses to the engine:
A. Connect fuel supply and fuel return hoses to en-
gine fittings (Fig. 11) . S ecure with hose clamps.
B. Connect upper and lower radiator hoses to the
engine. Secure with hose c lamps.
8. Connect throttle cable to injector pump (Fig. 10):
A. Route throttle cable to injector pump on engine.
B. Install the throttle cable end into the swivel in
speed control lever. Secure cable end with cap
C. Position cable under cable clamp.
D. Adjust throttle control (see Adjust Throttle Con-
trol in the Adjustments section of this chapter).
9. Install air cleaner (see Air Cleaner Installation in this
10.Install exhaust system to machine (see Exhaust
System Installation in this section).
11.Make sure radiator draincock is closed (threaded out
fully). Fill radiator with coolant and install radiator cap
(see Radiator Installation in this section).
12.Check engine oil level and adjust if needed.
13.Connect positive (+) battery cable to the battery and
then connect negative (--) cable.
14.Bleed fuel system.
15.Close and secure hood.
Kubota Diesel