Groundsmaster 4300--DPage 5 -- 42Electrical System
Fuel Stop Solenoid
The fuel stop solenoid used on your Groundsmaster
must be energized forthe dieselengine torun. The sole-
noid is mounted to the injection pump on the engine (Fig.
The TEC controller monitors the operation of the fuel
stop solenoid.The solenoid and its circuit wiring should
be tested as a controller output with the Diagnostic Dis-
play (see Special Tools and Troubleshooting in this
If the controller detected a fuel stop solenoid problem
during engine operation, the Diagnostic light can be
used to identify the fault (see Diagnostic Light in the
Troubleshooting section of this chapter).
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting
decks, stop engine, apply parking brake and remove
key from ignition switch. Open hood to gain access to
2. Disconnect wire harness connector from fuel stop
NOTE: The fuel stop solenoid may be removed from
the engine or tested in place.
3. If the solenoid is removed from the engine, make
sure that the solenoid plunger moves freely and is free
of dirt, debris and corrosion.
NOTE: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter,short the test leads together. The me-
ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
from the measuredvalue of the componentyou are test-
4. Using a digital multimeter (ohms setting), touch one
test lead to the pull coil terminal and the other test lead
to the fuel stop solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 54). The
resistance of the pull coil should be less than 1 ohm (but
not zero).
5. Using a digital multimeter (ohms setting), touch one
test lead to the hold coil terminal and the other test lead
to the fuel stop solenoid frame (ground) (Fig. 54). The
resistance of the hold coil should be approximately 15
6. If either coil resistance is incorrect, replace fuel stop
7. Connect wire harness connector to the fuel stop so-
8. Lower and secure hood.
1. Injection pump 2. Fuel stop solenoid
Figure 53
1. Fuel stop solenoid
2. Pull coil terminal
3. Hold coil terminal
Figure 54