Groundsmaster 4300--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 65
Removal (Fig. 64)
1. Park the machine ona level surface,engage parking
brake, lower cutting decks and stop engine. Remove
key from the ignition switch.
2. Thoroughlycleanhydraulic hose ends and fittings on
hydraulic reservoir to prevent hydraulic system conta-
mination. Label hydraulic hoses to assist in installation.
3. Disconnect hydraulic hose (item 7) from adapter fit-
ting on bottom of reservoir to allow draining of reservoir.
Drain reservoir into a suitable container.
4. Disconnect remaining hydraulic hoses from reser-
voir.Allow hydraulic linesto draininto a suitablecontain-
er.Plugor cap openings ofreservoir andlines to prevent
5. Remove hydraulic reservoir using Figure 64 as a
6. Remove suction strainer from reservoir. Discard O--
7. If hydraulic fittings are to be removed from reservoir,
mark fitting orientation to allow correct assembly. Re-
move fittings from reservoir and discard O--rings.
Inspection (Fig. 64)
1. Clean hydraulic reservoir and suction strainer with
clean solvent.
2. Inspect hydraulic reservoir for leaks, cracks or other
Installation (Fig. 64)
1. If fittings were removed from reservoir, lubricate and
place new O--rings ontofittings. Install fittings into reser-
voir openings using marks made during the removal
process to properly orientate fittings. Tighten fittings
(see Hydraulic Fitting Installation in the General Infor-
mation section of this chapter).
2. Lubricate new suction strainer O--ring and install
onto strainer. Thread suction strainer into hydraulic res-
ervoir and torque strainer 105 to 115 ft--lb (143 to 155
3. Position hydraulic reservoir to machine. Secure re-
servoir to frame with two (2) clamps (item 13), w asher
head screws (item 12) and flange nuts (item 14).
4. Remove all plugs and caps placed in hoses and fit-
tings during the removal process.
5. Install hydraulic hoses to fittings on hydraulic reser-
voir in positions noted during removal (see Hydraulic
Hose and Tube Installation in the General Information
section of this chapter).
6. Fill hydraulic reservoir with new hydraulic fluid.
7. Operate machine. Check hydraulic lines and fittings
forleaks.Tighten anylooseconnections. Checkhydrau-
lic oil level and adjust if necessary.