Groundsmaster 4300--D Page 6 -- 13 Chassis
Rear Axle Removal (Fig. 9)
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting
decks, stop engine, engage parking brake and remove
key from the ignition switch.
2. Chock front wheels to preventmachine froms hifting.
3. Removeboth rearwheelassemblies(see Wheel Re-
moval in this section). Make sure that machine is sup-
ported with appropriate jack stands.
4. Remove cotter pins and slotted hex nuts that secure
the tie rod ends to the drag links. Separate the tie rod
ends from the drag links and remove tie r od from axle.
5. Remove steering cylinder from rear axle (see Steer-
ingCylinderRemovalin the ServiceandRepairssection
of Chapter 4 -- Hydraulic System).
6. Remove wheel motor housings from rear axle (see
Rear Axle Motor Housing Removal in this section).
7. To allow removal of the rear axle pivot pin, remove
the three (3) cap screws, lock washers and spacers that
secure CrossTrax
AWD control manifold to frame
(Fig. 10). Lower and support manifold taking care to not
damage hydraulic tubes.
8. Remove the jam nut (item 10) and thrust washer
(item 9) that secure the axle pivot pin (item 6) to the
9. Support rear axle to prevent it from falling.
10.Pull the axle pivot pin from frame and rear axle. This
will release the rear axle and thrust washers (item 7)
from the frame.
11.Carefully remove the rear axle from the machine.
Take care to not damage the CrossTrax
AWD control
manifold or attached hydraulic tubes during axle remov-
Rear Axle Service
1. Thoroughly clean the rear axle pivot pin. Inspect the
pin for wear and replace pivot pin if worn or damaged.
2. Thoroughly clean the rear axle pivot and inspect the
bushings in rear axle for wear or damage. If bushings
need replacement:
A. Use a bushing removal tool to extract both bush-
ings from the axlepivot. Take care to not damage the
bore of the axle.
B. Clean the inside of the axle pivot to remove any
dirt or foreign material.
C. Apply grease to the inside and outside of the new
D. Press new bushings into the axle pivot bore until
bushing is flush with axle.
E. After bushing installation, make sure that pivot
pin slides easily into bushings. If binding is noted, lo-
cate and correct source of binding.
1. AWD control manifold
2. Frame bracket
3. Spacer (3 used)
4. Lock washer (3 used)
5. Cap screw (3 used)
Figure 10
Tie Rod Assembly (Fig. 11)
NOTE: The tie rod ball joint and jam nut at the grooved
end of the tie rod have left hand threads.
1. Loosenjam nuts and then unscrew balljoints from tie
2. Thread new ball joints equally into tie rod so that ball
joint center to center length is 36.240” (920.5 mm).
3. Thoroughly clean the tapered surfaces of the tie rod
ball joints before installing tie rod to drag links on rear
1. Tie rod
2. Ball joint (LH thread)
3. Jam nut (LH thread)
4. Ball joint
5. Jam nut
6. Tie rod groove
Figure 11
(920.5 mm)
(37.8 mm)