Groundsmaster 4300--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 115
Use eye protection such asgoggles whenusing
compressed air.
1. Wash all cylinder components in solvent. Dry parts
with compressed air.
2. Inspect internal surface of barrel for deep scratches,
out--of--roundness and bending.
3. Inspect head, shaft and piston for excessive pitting,
scoring and wear.
4. Replace steering cylinder if internal components are
found to be worn or damaged.
Assembly (Fig. 103)
1. Use a new seal kit to replace all seals, O--rings and
wear ring to piston and heads. Apply clean hydraulic oil
to all seal kit components before installing.
2. Install front head (item 3) with new seals onto front
shaft (item 1) being careful to not damage head seals
during installation.
IMPORTANT:Make sure to not damage O--ring (item
7) as piston is installed over roll pin hole in front
3. Install piston (item9) with new seal, O--ring and wear
ring onto front shaft.
IMPORTANT:When installing roll pin into front and
rear shafts, make sure that shaft surfaces are not
4. Slide rear shaftinto front shaftand align roll pin holes
in shafts. Install new roll pin to secure shafts.
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
cylinder’s barrel into a vise; clamp on the clevis
only. Do not close vise on barrel.
5. Mount steering cylinder barrel in a vise equipped
with soft jaws by clamping on the barrel clevis.
6. Coat all internal cylinder components with clean hy-
draulicoil.Slideshaftassembly into barrel, being careful
to not damage seals during installation.
7. Insert rear head with new seals into the barrel being
careful to not damage head seals during installation.
8. Secure front and rear heads in barrel with external
collars. Tighten collars with spanner wrench.