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(7) When “00” (0 KB) is specified for the TrueType font storage area, the bit map
writable character storage area, or the BASIC file storage area, the storage area is
not allocated.
(8) When “192” (192 KB) is specified for any of the TrueType font storage area, the bit
map writable character storage area, and the BASIC file storage area, all storage
areas are used. Therefore, other storage areas cannot be allocated. For example,
if “192” is specified for the TrueType Font storage area, all storage areas are used
for the TrueType Font storage area. The bit map writable character storage area,
the BASIC file storage area, and the PC save area cannot be allocated.
Refer to • Bit Map Writable Character Command ([ESC] XD)
• Save Start Command ([ESC] XO)
• Memory Card Format Command ([ESC] J1)
• 2-byte Writable Character Code Range Command ([ESC] XE)
Example The TrueType font storage area and bit map writable character storage area are set to
64 KB and 64 KB, respectively.
(PC save area: 192 KB - 64KB - 64 KB = 64 KB)
[ESC] XF; 01, 01 [LF] [NUL]