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Function Declares the start of saving PC interface commands.
(Places the printer in the mode where PC interface commands are written in the flash
ROM on the memory board, or flash ROM on the CPU board.)
Format [ESC] XO; aa, (Sb, ) c [LF] [NUL]
Term aa: Identification number to be used for saving in the flash memory board or calling
01 to 99
dddddddd: Ignore
Sb: Drive in which the PC interface command is stored
b: Drive
0: Flash ROM on the CPU board
1: Flash ROM on the memory board (Option)
2: Flash ROM on the memory board (Option)
c: Status response at save time
0: No status response made
1: Status response made
Explanation (1) When the PC interface command is stored in the memory board, directory
“PCSAVE” is created, and then the directory “Specified file name. PCS” is created
under the “PCSAVE” directory level.
Notes (1) After sending the Save Start Command ([ESC] XO), any command other than the
following will be saved into the flash memory board.
• Save Start Command ([ESC] XO)
• Save Terminate Command ([ESC] XP)
• Saved Data Call Command ([ESC] XQ)
• Bit Map Writable Character Command ([ESC] XD)
• Reset Command ([ESC] WR)
• Status Request Command ([ESC] WS)
• Memory Board Format Command ([ESC] J1)
(2) No error check is made for the commands at save time.
Refer to • Save Terminate Command ([ESC] XP)
• Memory Board Format Command ([ESC] J1)