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(1) Automatic Selection
This printer automatically selects [ESC] (1BH). [LF] (0AH). [NUL] (00H) or {(7BH). | (7CH).} (7DH)
as an interface command control code. After the power is turned on, the program checks the data
from the host for [ESC] and { and assumes the data whichever has been sent first to be a control
For example, if [ESC] is sent first after the power is turned on, [ESC]. [LF]. [NUL] becomes a control
code, and if { is sent first, { . | . } becomes a control code. Control code selection is made for every
command. If the first command is [ESC] ~ [LF] [NUL], followed by [ESC], the control code becomes
[ESC]. [LF]. [NUL], and if it is followed by { , the control code for the next command becomes { . | . }.
When { . | . } is a control code, the data of 00H to 1FH in { ~ | } is ignored. However, the data of
00H to 1FH becomes valid while processing the Graphic Command or Writable Character
Command in hexadecimal mode. When { . | . } is a control code, { . | . } cannot be used in the data
of the Data Command or Display Command.
(2) Manual Selection (ESC. LF. NUL)
The control code of the command is [ESC] (1BH). [LF] (0AH). [NUL] (00H), and the control code
selection is not performed.
(3) Manual Selection ({ . | . })
The control code of the command is {(7BH). | (7CH).} (7DH), and the control code selection is not
performed. Data of 00H to 1FH is ignored and discarded in this mode. However, data of 00H to
1FH becomes valid while processing the Graphic Command or Writable Character Command in
hexadecimal mode. { . | . } cannot be used in the data of the Data Command or Display Command.
Power ON
Read received data
<Received data ESC?>
<Received data { ?>
Assume control code
to be ESC. LF. NUL
Assume control code
to be
. | .
Discard read
Command processing