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[Nibble mode]
(1) The writable character data to be stored is separated into four dot units and sent in the
following order (
1 → 248
). (High order digit: “3”)
(2) The data of writable characters to be stored is 30H to 3FH.
(3) The minimum unit in the X direction is 8 dots. Dots with no data are transmitted as
data 0.
(4) The data count of writable characters to be stored must be as follows:
Data count of writable characters to be stored =
{(No. of char. width dots + 7)/8} × No. of char. height dots × 2
* The value in the brackets is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
[Hex. mode]
(1) The writable character data to be stored is separated into eight dot units and sent in
the following order (
(2) The data of writable characters to be stored is 00H to FFH.
(3) The minimum unit in the X direction is 8 dots. Dots with no data are transmitted as
data 0.
(4) The data count of writable characters to be stored must be as follows:
Data count of writable characters to be stored =
{(No. of char. width dots + 7)/8} × No. of char. height dots
* The value in the brackets is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
(1) With the same writable character set designated, character width and character height can be
designated for each writable character code. In other words, character size can be changed
for each character, thus saving memory.
(2) Proportional spacing and descending characters are possible depending on the parameters of
horizontal spacing/proportional spacing, left offset, and top offset.
(3) When top offset is 000, the reference coordinates are at the above left when drawing because
the base line is at the top. (Coordinate setting is facilitated for logos.)