- 178 -
Detail Status
Printer Status
Auto Status Status Request
Transmission Command
The head was closed in the online mode. 00 00
The head was opened in the online mode. 01 01
Operating (Analyzing command, drawing,
printing, feeding)
– 02
In pause – 04
Waiting for stripping – 05
A command error was found in analyzing the
06 06
A parity error, overrun error or framing error
occurred during communication by RS-232C
07 07
A paper jam occurred during paper feed. 11 11
An abnormal condition occurred at the cutter. 12 12
The label has run out. 13 13
An attempt was made to feed or issue with the
head open.
(except the [FEED] key)
15 15
The thermal head temperature has become
excessively high.
18 18
A label issue is completed normally. 40 –
The feed has been terminated normally. 41 –
In writable character or
– 02
PC command save mode
An error has occurred in writing data
into the flash memory board.
50 50
An erase error has occurred in
formatting the flash memory board.
51 51
Saving failed because of the
insufficient capacity of the flash
memory board.
54 54
The flash memory board is being initialized. – 02
An EEPROM for back up cannot be
read/written properly.
02 02