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Function Draws graphic data.
Format [ESC] SG; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e, ggg --- ggg [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] SG0; aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd, e, ffff, ggg --- ggg [LF] [NUL]
Term aaaa: Print origin of X-coordinate for drawing graphic data
Fixed as 4 digits (in 0.1 mm units)
bbbb: Print origin of Y-coordinate for drawing graphic data
4 or 5 digits (in 0.1 mm units)
cccc: No. of graphic width dots
Fixed as 4 digits (in dots)
However, when the graphic data “2: BMP file” or “6: PCX file” is selected, this
designation is ignored. (The information of the graphic width is contained in
the graphic data.)
dddd: No. of graphic height dots
4 or 5 digits (in dots)
However, when the graphic data “2: BMP file” or “6: PCX file” is selected, this
designation is ignored. (The information of the graphic width is contained in
the graphic data.)
When “3: TOPIX compression mode” is selected for the type of graphic data:
Resolution of graphic data: *only two types
0150: 150 DPI (The data is drawn in double resolution.)
0300: 300 DPI (The data is drawn in single resolution.)
e: Type of graphic data
[ESC] SG; -- command:
0: Nibble mode (4 dots/byte) Overwrite drawing
1: Hex. mode (8 dots/byte) Overwrite drawing
2: BMP file mode (monochrome bmp) Overwrite drawing
3: TOPIX compression mode Overwrite drawing
4: Nibble mode (4 dots/byte) OR drawing
5: Hex. mode (8 dots/byte) OR drawing
6: PCX file mode (monochrome pcx) Overwrite drawing
[ESC] SG0; -- command:
A: Printer driver compression mode Overwrite drawing
ffff: Data count (Effective only for [ESC] SG0; -- command)
Fixed as 4 digits
Represents the total number of bytes for the compressed graphic data by 32
bits in Hex.
Range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 bytes
(00H, 00H, 00H, 00H to FFH, FFH, FFH, FFH)
ggg --- ggg: Graphic data