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Function Calls PC interface commands saved in the flash ROM on the memory board, or flash
ROM on the CPU board.
Format [ESC] XQ; aa, (Sb,) c, d [LF] [NUL]
Term aa: Identification number of the file to be called from the flash memory board
01 to 99
dddddddd: Ignore
Sb: Drive from which the command is called
b: Drive
0: Flash ROM on the CPU board
1: Flash ROM on the memory board (Option)
2: Flash ROM on the memory board (Option)
c: Status response when the data is called up
0: No status response made
1: Status response made
d: Auto call at power on time
L: Auto call (Always call 01 file with Auto call. Refer to Page 8 for cancel.)
M: No auto call
Notes (1) If the relevant save identifier is not found, an error will result.
(2) However, if no save number subject to auto call is found with the option for auto
call at power on time selected, the option for no auto call will be selected causing
no error.
(3) If a command error is found in the PC interface command in auto call at power on
time by the Saved Data Call Command, a command error will result. After an error
has occurred, the power must be turned off. The option for no auto call is selected
when the power is turned on again.
(4) The printer enters the online mode (label issue operation) when the Save Data Call
Command is sent after the Save Terminate command.
Refer to • Save Start Command ([ESC] XO)
• Save Terminate Command ([ESC] XP)
Examples [ESC] XQ; 01, 0, L [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] RC001; Sample [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] RC002; 100 [LF] [NUL]
[ESC] XS; I, 0002, 0002C3000 [LF] [NUL]