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LPHD class
Attribute Name Attr. Type Explanation T M/O GRT100
LNName Shall be inherited from Logical-Node Class (see IEC 61850-7-2)
PhyName DPL Physical device name plate M Y
PhyHealth INS Physical device health M Y
OutOv SPS Output communications buffer overflow O N
Proxy SPS Indicates if this LN is a proxy M Y
InOv SPS Input communications buffer overflow O N
NumPwrUp INS Number of Power ups O N
WrmStr INS Number of Warm Starts O N
WacTrg INS Number of watchdog device resets detected O N
PwrUp SPS Power Up detected O N
PwrDn SPS Power Down detected O N
PwrSupAlm SPS External power supply alarm O N
RsStat SPC Reset device statistics T O N
Common Logical Node class
Attribute Name Attr. Type Explanation T M/O GRT100
LNName Shall be inherited from Logical-Node Class (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Mandatory Logical Node Information (Shall be inherited by ALL LN but LPHD)
Mod INC Mode M Y
Beh INS Behaviour M Y
Health INS Health M Y
NamPlt LPL Name plate M Y
Optional Logical Node Information
Loc SPS Local operation O N
EEHealth INS External equipment health O N
EEName DPL External equipment name plate O N
OpCntRs INC Operation counter resetable O N
OpCnt INS Operation counter O N
OpTmh INS Operation time O N
Data Sets (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Inherited and pecialized from Logical Node class (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Control Blocks (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Inherited and pecialized from Logical Node class (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Services (see IEC 61850-7-2)
Inherited and pecialized from Logical Node class (see IEC 61850-7-2)