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6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
Supervision Item LCD Message
Ext. alarm Event record
Ping response check Ping err on on (4) Relay fail-A
(1): Diverse messages are provided as expressed with "---fail" in the Table in Section 6.7.2.
(2): The LED is on when the scheme switch [SVCNT] is set to "ALM" and off when set to
"ALM & BLK" (refer to Section 3.3.4).
(3): Whether the LED is lit or not depends on the degree of the voltage drops.
(4): The binary output relay "FAIL" operates.
3.3.6 Trip Blocking
When a failure is detected by the following supervision items, the trip function is blocked as long
as the failure exists and restored when the failure is removed.
• A/D accuracy check
• Memory monitoring
• Watchdog Timer
• DC supply monitoring
When a failure is detected by the AC input imbalance monitoring, the scheme switch [SVCNT]
setting can be used to determine if both tripping is blocked and an alarm is initiated, or, if only an
alarm is initiated.
3.3.7 Setting
The setting elements necessary for the automatic supervision and its setting range are shown in the
table below.
Element Range Step Default Remarks
[SVCNT] ALM&BLK / ALM ALM&BLK Alarming and/or blocking
[PINGCHK] OFF/ON OFF Ping response check