⎯ 7 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
Appendix A Block Diagram 157
Appendix B Signal List 159
Appendix C Variable Timer List 179
Appendix D Binary Output Default Setting List 181
Appendix E Details of Relay Menu and LCD & Button Operation 185
Appendix F Case Outline 193
Appendix G External Connections 199
Appendix H Relay Setting Sheet 207
Appendix I Commissioning Test Sheet (sample) 241
Appendix J Return Repair Form 247
Appendix K Technical Data 253
Appendix L Setting of REF Element 261
Appendix M Symbols Used in Scheme Logic 267
Appendix N Implementation of Thermal Model to IEC60255-8 271
Appendix O IEC60870-5-103: Interoperability and Troublehsooting 275
Appendix P IEC61850: MICS & PICS 287
Appendix Q Inverse Time Characteristics 321
Appendix R Failed Module Tracing and Replacement 325
Appendix S Ordering 331
The data given in this manual are subject to change without notice. (Ver.4.0)