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6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7 Displaying the Status of the Time Synchronization Source
The inner clock of the GRT100 can be synchronized with external clocks such as the IRIG-B time
standard signal clock or RSM (relay setting and monitoring system) clock or by an
IEC60870-5-103 or SNTP server. To display on the LCD whether these clocks are active or
inactive and which clock the relay is synchronized with, do the following:
• Select 2 (= Status) on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select 4 (= Time sync source) to display the status of time synchronization sources.
4 / 4 m e s y nchron zation s rceiouT i
R S M I n a ict: v e
I E C I n a ict: v e
I R I G I n a c t: eiv
* SN T P : (Serv
)erA ic t v e
The asterisk on the far left shows that the internal clock is synchronized with the marked source
clock. If the marked source clock is inactive, the internal clock runs locally.
For details of the setting time synchronization, see Section Adjusting the Time
To adjust the clock when the internal clock is running locally, do the following:
• Select 2 (= Status) on the top "MENU" screen to display the "Status" screen.
• Select 5 (= Clock adjustment) to display the setting screen.
/2 12/Feb/1998 22:56:19 [local] 1/ 5
Minute( 0- 59): 41
Hour ( 0- 23): 22
Day ( 1- 31): 12
Month ( 1- 12): 2
Year ( 1990- 2089): 1998
Line 1 shows the current date, time and time synchronization source with which the internal clock
is synchronized. The time can be adjusted only when [Local] is indicated on the top line, showing
that the clock is running locally. When [IRIG] or [RSM] or [IEC] or [SNTP] is indicated, the
following adjustment is invalid.
• Enter a numerical value within the specified range for each item and press the
• Press the
key to adjust the internal clock to the set hours without fractions and return to
the previous screen.
If a date which does not exist in the calendar is set and
is pressed, "Error: Incorrect date" is
displayed on the top line and the adjustment is discarded. Adjust again.