
SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
4.2 Prefix/Suffix Selections
Transmitted data frame –>
Prefix SuffixBar Code Message
Programming Steps to Add an Interface Prefix / Suffix:
To add a Prefix, scan the Add Prefix programming bar code.
To add a Suffix, scan the Add Suffix programming bar code.
Refer to the Symbology Chart (page 4-5) to find the Hex value that
represents the symbology(s) you want transmitted with one or more
Prefixes or Suffixes. Scan the two digitson the Programming Chart (on
the inside of the back cover of this menu).
Refer to the Hex ASCII Chart (page 4-5) to find the Hex value that
represents the ASCII characters you wish to transmit with the bar code
data. Use the Programming Chart (inside back cover) to scan the
alphanumeric combination that represents the ASCII characters.
Note: PrefixĂ/ĂSuffix programming examples may be found on page 4-4.
To complete PrefixĂ/ĂSuffix programming, scan either:
H Discard Current Prefix or Suffix Changes programming bar
code. This exits without changing the PrefixĂ/ĂSuffix.
Other Programming Selections: Scanning the Clear All Prefixes or Clear All
Suffixes bar code deletes all
Prefix or Suffix selections. You don't need to scan
the Save Current ... Changes or Discard Current ... Changes programming
bar code to complete programming.
H Save Current Prefix or Suffix Changes[ programming bar code.
This exits, saving the PrefixĂ/ĂSuffix selections you just assigned.
Programming Steps to Clear (or Delete) One Prefix / Suffix Entry:
To clear the Prefix entry for a specific symbology, scan the Clear One
Prefix programming bar code.
To clear the Suffix entry for a specific symbology, scan the Clear One
Suffix programming bar code.
You don't need to scan Save Current ... Changes or Discard Current
... Changes programming bar codes to complete programming.
Refer to the Symbology Chart to find the Hex value representing the
symbology's entry you want cleared. Scan the two digits on the
Programming Chart (on the inside of the back cover of this menu).
Characters for the Prefix and Suffix are selected by their hexadecimal ASCII
value, up to 12 characters each. Prefix and Suffix characters may be sent for
a specific symbology, or may be sent with all bar code scans. Default Prefix =
none. Default Suffix = none.
[ You may also start scanning bar codes; your PrefixĂ/ĂSuffix selections will be saved.
The 3700 Wedge will transmit a decoded message after every successful bar
code read. Prefix and Suffix characters are data characters you may assign
to be sent before and after the transmitted bar code data.