5–3SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
Format Editor Commands Chart
F1 INCLUDE IN OUTPUT all characters followed by the XX" key or function
code, starting from the current cursor position. The cursor is left pointing
at the last character included plus one. Command syntax is F1XX where XX
is a hexadecimal valuein the range of00-FE. If XX equals 00, then XX is not
F2 INCLUDE IN OUTPUT NN" characters followed by the XX" key or
function code, starting from the current cursor position. The cursor is left
pointing at the last character included plus one. Command syntax is
F2NNXX where NN is a decimal value in the range of 00-99 and XX is a
hexadecimal value in the range of 00-FE. If XX equals 00, then XX is not
F3 INCLUDE IN OUTPUTall characters up to butnot including SS"character
followed by the XX" key or function code, starting from the current cursor
position. The cursor is left pointing at the last character included plus one
(SS" character). Command syntax is F3SSXX where SS equals a
hexadecimal value 01-7F and XX equals a hexadecimal value in the range
00-FE. If XX equals 00, then XX is not included.)
F4 INSERT XX" character NN" times at the current cursor position. The
cursor is not moved. Command syntax is F4XXNN where XX is a
hexadecimal value in the range of 00-7F and NN is a decimal value in the
range of 00-99.
The available Data Formatter commands are:
F5 MOVE the cursor forward NN" characters from the current position.
Command syntax is F5NN where NN is a decimal value in the range of 00
to 99.
F6 MOVE the cursor backward NN" characters from the current position.
Command syntax is F6NN where NN is a decimal value in the range of 00
to 99.
F7 MOVE the cursor to the beginning of the data string. Command syntax is
F8 SEARCH FORWARD from the current position for XX" character. The
cursor is left pointing at XX". Command syntax is F8XX where XX is the
hexadecimal value in the range of 01 to 7F.
F9 SEARCH BACKWARD from the current position for XX" character. The
cursor is left pointing at XX". Command syntax is F9XX where XX is a
hexadecimal value in the range of 01 to 7F.
FA SUPPRESS all ASCII zeros from the current cursor position forward to the
first non-zero character. The cursor is left pointing at the first non-zero
character. Command syntax is FA.
FB SUPPRESS all occurrences of up to three different characters XX", YY"
and ZZ" starting from the current cursor position. The cursor is not moved.
Command syntax is FBXXFB or FBXXYYFB or FBXXYYZZFB where XX, YY,
and ZZ are hexadecimal values in the range of 01 to 7F.
FC TERMINATE current FB SUPPRESS characters. Syntax = FC.
FE COMPARE the character at the current cursor position to character XX"
and if equal move the cursor forward one character. If characters are not
equal then abort formatting. Command syntax is FEXX where XX is a
hexadecimal value in the range of 01 to 7F.
Caution: Do not program the Data Formatter to include extended ASCII
characters (hexadecimal values 80 - FF) in the output when operating as a
keyboard wedge or keyboard replacement.