SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge Technical Manual
Factory Settings
7.1 Introduction
Use this chapter to reset the SCANTEAM 3700 Wedge to the original factory default
settings, or to output the software revision number to the host terminal.
Reset Factory Settings
Status Check
All operating parameters are stored in nonĆvolatile memory resident in the
3700 Wedge, where they are permanently retained in the event of a power
interruption. When you receive your 3700 Wedge, certain operating
parameters have already been set. These are the factory defaults, indicated
by the symbol ✱" on the programming menu pages (beneath the default
bar code). Default charts may be found near the end of this programming
Scanning the Factory Default Settings bar code resets the 3700 Wedge to
the original factory settings, clearing any programming changes you may
have made.
Scan the Show Software Revision bar code to transmit the software revision
level to the host terminal. The software revision will be printed out as
WA34561XXX." (The X's" will vary according to the firmware ID.)
Note: A bar code to Show Formats may be found on the Data Formatter
Selections programming menu page in Section 3, Serial Interface Menu.
Factory Default Settings
Show Software Revision