Tools 55
Tools Table 28 describes each of the options you have through the Tools menu.
Table 28 Tools Options
Feature Description
Tools > Signal Quality
Displays the status of current wireless connection, including ESSID,
BSSID, Channel, Rate, RSSI, Noise and Security.
Site Survey Tools > Site Survey
Lists all available networks.
You can see all listed networks (sites) information.
Press Renew to rescan the networks. Press Detail to
check the details.
Statistics Tools > Statistics
You can check the following information: IP Statistics, RTP/RTCP,
Encoding and Decoding.
To refresh the information, press to Renew.
Battery Tools > Battery
You can see Charger Status and Voltage level.
Ping Tools > Ping
You can test connectivity with a network host.
Version Tools > Version
You can view information for Bootcode, Firmware, Build Time and
RAM Size.
Back to
Tools > Back to Default
You can either Clear the original data recorded in Phonebook,
E-mail or Others. You can also remove All settings on your phone
and reset factory defaults.
A confirmation message appears on the screen before the change.
Press OK to proceed or Back to exit to the menu.
Restart Tools > Restart
A confirmation message appears. Press OK to power your
phone off and on, or press Back to return to the menu.