Using Your Phone 43
5. Press the shutter button on the top of the phone or the joystick
button to take a photo. The photo will be saved automatically.
To delete the newly saved photo, press (Delete). To take a new
photo without deleting the one just taken and saved, press the joystick
button again.
6. Press (Option) and you can manage this photo using the
options below:
• Zoom
Allows you to zoom in or out the photo by pushing the joystick
up or down.
• Set as
Wa l l p a p e r : Sets this photo as the wallpaper for the idle screen.
Image ID: You can use this photo as a phone book contact's
visual caller ID. When there is an incoming call from that
contact, the phone display will show this photo.
New Contact: You can create a new contact in the phone
book and use this photo as their caller ID.
Existing Contact: Uses this photo as the caller ID for a caller
group or for a single contact. Press the Joystick button (OK)
to select and press (Done) to save your choices.
This function is only available for contacts saved in the phone
memory's phone book.
• Send Photo
Enables you to send the photo with an MMS message. For details
on editing an MMS message, see page 67.
• Rename
Gives this photo a new file name.