Configuration Tips
Network routes should be entered in a logical order. That is, if there are multiple gateways between the BCU/CAL and
a destination, the most direct route(s) should be specified first.
Network routes may be manually added and deleted using the route command discussed in the User Interface Manual
(LBI-38967). If you are unsure of proper routing, use the route command to experimentally determine the proper, or most
efficient, parameters and then add these to the ROUTES.DAT file.
Proper routing is intimately related to the IP address and subnet mask specified in the IP.DAT configuration file. Keep
these parameters in mind when adjusting ROUTES.DAT contents. EXPORTS.DAT Configuration File
The EXPORTS.DAT file only applies to BCU/CAL units which have been purchased with the NFS Server software
feature. The NFS feature is always provided with the BCU. It is an option for the CAL feature. BCU users may disable the
NFS by using the “product” command discussed in LBI-38967.
EXPORTS.DAT defines which network clients are privileged to mount the BCU/CAL system disk. Example exports
provided on the template disk are commented out (i.e., preceded with a # character), and thus have no effect when the file is
A log file (1.2/log/nfs.log) is generated on each system boot. The log summarizes the processing of this file, indicating
what has been exported, who received the export, and any errors encountered in processing the EXPORTS.DAT file.
Export entries are specified in the following form:
directory client_ip
Table 5 - EXPORTS.DAT File Parameters
Parameter Meaning
directory Directory structure(s) to be exported. Must be a fully specified, valid directory on the
BCU/CAL system disk (volume 1.2). Note that directories are case-sensitive.
Specifying the BCU/CAL root directory (1.2/) indicates that the entire volume may be
mounted by the host specified by
client_ip Internet address of the NFS client permitted to mount
, specified in dotted-decimal
notation. If no address is specified, it indicates that any client may mount the directory.
The examples below show several valid export entries in the EXPORTS.DAT file:
# In the following example, hosts `fallwell and `hagee may NFS mount
# the entire BCU/CAL system disk (volume 1.2).
# Host `robertson may only mount the BCU/CAL cdr directory.
# Any host may mount the log directory.
1.2/ # host name - fallwell
1.2/ # host name - hagee
1.2/cdr # host name - robertson
1.2/log # any client may mount