30 First-Time Configuration
The following section describes the minimal set of system initializations that a user must perform to set up a
When the BCU/CAL software is first installed, three user accounts are initialized. Each account has a varying level of
system access security. The following table defines the initial accounts and their passwords, arranged in decreasing levels
of access. The login name and password are case-sensitive. These passwords can be changed from their default values, and
new accounts installed, using the passwd command. Any new accounts added will have the same level of access as the
"user" account.
Table 7 - Default System Accounts
Log onto the BCU/CAL under the "root" account. The console display will be similar to the following:
Login: root
Copyright (c) Integrated Systems, Inc., 1992.
Welcome to pSOSystem...
USER INFORMATION: Enter “ls” to observe the root level directory files and subdirectories which were
created during the software installation process.
pSH+> ls
BITMAP.SYS backup etc mnt
FLIST.SYS bin export tmp
LOADER.SX cdr loads usr
activity cnfg log var
USER INFORMATION: The following example shows the configuration files for the unit. The .BIN files were
created during the software installation process.
pSH+> cd cnfg
pSH+> ls -als
total 41
2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 622 Feb 01 1994 10:45 CAL.DAT
2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 892 Feb 01 1994 10:45 IP.DAT
2 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 568 Feb 01 1994 10:47 SYSTEM.BIN
1 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 131072 Feb 01 1994 10:47 UNIT.BIN
33 -rwxrwxrwx 1 root 16384 Feb 01 1994 10:47 GROUP.BIN
USER ACTION: Two system parameters may need to be set. If the BCU/CAL is operating in a Multi-
Node/StarGate configuration, the IMC NIM slot number needs to be defined. If the BCU/CAL service area
(IMC) has a Jessica interconnect system installed, the IMC PIM slot number needs to be defined. These
parameters must be set appropriately for the BCU to correctly provide billing for calls involving these “sites”
(i.e., StarGate or Jessica). They are required by the CAL to simulate secondary drops from the site(s) it is
providing service for. If the parameter (NIM or PIM slot) does not apply, it should be set to zero (default value).
Login Password Access Level
root root Anything. This account is the “super-user.”
admin admin Can access any BCS commands for system configuration.
user user Most restricted, particularly for the BCS commands.