Getting Started 29
1.8 HTC Home™
HTC Home™ is a Today screen plug-in that gives you up-to-date local
information at a glance, such as time, day and weather information, and
shows new messages and missed calls. It also has a customizable launcher
where you can add your favorite applications for one-touch access and a
Profile selector where you can quickly change the profile or ring tone of
your device.
HTC Home has four components: Home
, Weather, Launcher and Sounds.
At the bottom of HTC Home, there is a toolbar that allows you to switch
between these components.
HTC Home
Home Weather Launcher
To switch between the different components of HTC Home
Do any of the following:
• Touch the tabs in the toolbar using your finger.
• Tap the tabs in the toolbar using the stylus.
• Use the NAVIGATION CONTROL. If the toolbar is not selected, press
NAVIGATION up/down first to select the toolbar. Press NAVIGATION
left/right to select a tab and then press ENTER.