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]Log In
Tap and type your exiting email ID.
2. Tap the Password filed and type your password.
n Quick tip
• Your password is case sensitive. Tap the keypad to change to lower case or upper
3. Tap to highlight the Remember me and tap [Mark] to save your password.
4. Tap the [Sign in]
You can choose [Inbox], [Drafts], [Sent] and [Trash]. Tap [Options] to select
Read, Delete or Compose New.
]Opening an Email: Tap [Read] after highlighting the email subject line you
want to open by scrolling the bar. Once the email opens, select [Options] to
reply, Forward, Delete.
]Deleting an Email: Tap the email you want to delete by scrolling down the
key and tap [Options]-[Delete].
For additional details, visit att.com/wireless