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My Stuff Menu
1. Call <Name or Number>: This function is activated only when if user says com-
mand “Call” and name stored in address book or specified phone number.
Handset, voice engine inside recognize users utterance handset, displays name
lists from your phone’s address book or phone number, however noise might
caused to display candidates. Additionally user can superimpose number type at
the end optionally, such as “mobile”, “home” or “office”.
2. Listen Voicemail: this command is activated when the user says the words “Listen
voicemail”. You will be automatically connected to your voicemail.
3. Missed Calls: this command is activated when the user says the words “Missed
calls”. The mobile phone presents missed call lists.
• commands available to user
- yes: make phone call
no: moves next missed call list
cancel: go back to main voice command menu
exit: terminate voice command
4. Messages: this command is activated when the user says the word “messages”.
Mobile phone displays details of unread SMS or MMS messages.
• commands available to user
- yes: make phone call
no: moves next unread messages
cancel: go back to main voice command menu
exit: terminate voice command
5. Time & Date: this command is activated when the user says the words “time and
date”. The phone displays the current local time and date.
The voice command also has menu options
• mode
- speed: voice command is abbreviated
normal: voice command is played normally
• train
- answer: enables the user train for answers used via voice command
number: enables the user train for numbers used via voice command