Using the NEXT Key
After you have finished entering a word, if the word
displayed is not the one you want, press to display
additional choices of words from the database.
For example:
1. Press: .
2. The display shows the word Good.
3. Press: .
4. The display gives you additional choices such
as: Home, Gone, Hood, etc.
AAddddiinngg WWoorrddss ttoo tthhee TT99 DDaattaabbaassee
If a word is not in the T9 database, add it by using Abc
(Multi-tap) mode text entry.The word is automatically
added to the T9 database when you return to T9 mode.
For example, follow these steps:
1. Press: Right Soft Key
(or Left Soft Key )
change case to Abc (multi-tap) mode.
2. Press: .
3. Display: Bop
4. Press: Right Soft Key
(or Left Soft Key )
change letter case to T9 mode and then the
word Bop is added to the T9 database.
5. Press: to erase the existing word.
6. Press: .
7. Display: cop
8. Press: .
9. Display: bop
Examples Using Abc (Multi-tap) Text Input
To type a new message, follow these steps:
1. Press: Right Soft Key (or Left Soft Key ) to
change case to Abc mode.
2. Press: to change to ABC Caps Lock mode.
3. Press: .
4. Display: LG
PPhhoonnee BBooookk FFeeaattuurreess
You can store up to 500 entries in your phone book with
easy access to your most frequently dialled phone
Personal Phone Book Memory
The phone has 500 personal phone book memory
locations where you can store up to 5 phone numbers
of up to 32 digits.
Saving Numbers in Your Personal Phone Book
1. Input the phone number that you want to save (up
to 32 digits).
2. Press Left Soft Key Save, the submenu appears.
3. Select your desired label types Home, Home2,
Office, Office2, Mobile, Mobile2, Pager, Fax, Fax2,
None using and press .
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