Multishot - (5 shots / 3 shots): Allows you to take
multiple photos without interruption. When you put
the resolution on high, you do not have 5 shots / 3
shots, you only get 2 multishots.
5.Take a picture by pressing , or you can press a
Side Key .
6. Press Left Soft Key Save to save the photo.
Right Soft Key
Reject or retake the photo.
NOTE: “XX/XX” on the upper right corner of the
LCD screen shows how many photos you have
taken and the maximum number you can take.
Gallery (Menu )
Allows you to view photos that are stored in the phone.
1. From the menu, select Camera.
2. Press Gallery.
3. Press Right Soft Key Options to view the list.
4. Select an option with .
Set As -(Contacts / Wallpaper / Power On / Power Off)
Erase All
Picture Info
5. Press .
Press Left Soft Key Camera to take a photo .
CCaammeerraa ((MMeennuu ))
Quick Access to Camera Feature
You can access the camera feature directly by pressing
for approximately 3 seconds.
Take Pix (Menu )
Allows you to take photos up to 20.
1. From the menu, select Camera.
2. Press Take Pix.
3. Press Right Soft Key Options to view the list.
NOTE: Use to adjust the zoom function (x1, x2
and x4 at Low resolution,x1 and x2 at Med resolution,
and only x1 at Hi resolution).
NOTE:To take a photo of yourself, use the mirror on
the top front of the phone.When your image is
centered in the mirror, take the photo using the
volume control key.
4. Select an option with .
Self Timer -(5 sec / 10 sec)
Resolution -(Low 160x120 / Med 320x240 / Hi 640x480)
Brightness -(EV-2 to EV+2)
File Quality -(Economy / Normal / High)
Shutter Sound -(Shutter / Chime / No Sounds)
Colour Effects - (Normal / Antique / Black&White / Negative)
Fun Frames - (Frame 1~5 / None): Allows you to take
photos with a pre-made foreground.
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