CCoonnttaaccttss ((MMeennuu ))
List Contacts (Menu )
Allows you to view the list of entries in Contacts.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Contacts.
3. Press List Contacts.
4. Press Right Soft Key Options, and then press .
Find Name / Find Number / Find Speed Dial / Find Group
/ Find E-mail / Send Message / Erase
You may register a new phone number by pressing
Left Soft Key New.
New Number / New E-mail
New Number (Menu )
Allows you to add a new number into Contacts.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Contacts.
3. Press New Number.
4. Enter the number and press .
5. Select the label you want and press .
6. Enter the Name and press .
7. Select either Speed Dial or Voice Dial and press .
Quick-Text (Menu )
Display, edit, and add Canned Messages.
Erase All (Menu )
This allows you to erase all picture messages stored in
your Pix Inbox, Pix Outbox or Pix Draft.You can also
erase all messages stored in these folders at the same
1. From the menu, select Camera.
2. Press Erase All.
Press Inbox to erase all messages stored
in the Inbox
Press Outbox to erase all messages
stored in the Outbox
Press Draft to erase all messages stored
in the Draft
Press All to erase all messages stored in
the Inbox, Outbox,and Draft Items folder
NOTE: Locked messages cannot be erased.
NOTE: If the memory is full, no more messages can
be received until enough memory space becomes
available.The message [Pix Msg Inbox] is full is
displayed and new messages are not accepted.
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