LG Electronics RD6000 Cell Phone User Manual

DDiissppllaayy ((MMeennuu ))
Service Area (Menu )
This menu displays the current SDCA / calling area the
user is in.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Display.
3. Select Service Area.
Banner (Menu )
Allows you to enter a string of up to 16 characters
to be displayed on the LCD screen.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Display.
3. Select Banner.
4.Enter a Banner and then press .
Backlight (Menu )
Allows you to set the duration for leaving the backlight on.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press Display.
3. Select Backlight.
RR WWoorrlldd ((MMeennuu ))
R World (Menu )
This connects you to R World Data Services like video,
audio, news, games, messaging etc., provided by your
service provider.
1. Press Left Soft Key Menu.
2. Press R World.
3. R World logo will be displayed followed by R World
Data Services Menu.
4. Scroll through the menu using and launch any
Data Service by clicking on
press .
5.To exit from Data Services any time, hold down or
for a few seconds.
NOTE: Pressing the left arrow key will start
R World.
NOTE: All Data Services may not be available to
every subscriber. Please contact your service
provider for further information.
RD6000-E.qxd 6/18/04 9:56 AM Page 64