Yes: Automatically goes to ‘Get It Now’ select key’
screen everytime you launch.
No: Automatically goes to ‘Get It Now’ idle screen
everytime you launch.
5. Main display of Get It Now will show.
Start: allows you to download selected applications
while displaying the Get It Now application list
relayed from the Get It Now server in connection.
Option: shows download log and the current
memory capacity of your mobile phone.
- Information: displays usable capacity for your
mobile phone and the memory capacity in use.
- View Log: displays Get It Now Version, MSM
Chip and downloading record.
Get Info (
Press two time,
This submenu gives you information about the Get It
Now selection key.
Pressing the Side Key ( ) will connect to Get It
Now display.
If you have downloaded melodies for your mobile
phone, they will be saved under Ring Sound and
displayed under List, which you could also delete.