Installing Java Apps
To install Java applications on your phone:
Running Java Apps
To run an application:
NOTE:If you receive an incoming phone call, the Java application may
be suspended.
To suspend a running application:
From the Java Apps screen, press R to scroll to the desired
To determine whether the application needs to be installed, look at the
display options on the screen.
If the display option is RUN or SELECT, the application is already
installedandreadytorun.See“Running Java Apps” on page 148.
If the display option is INSTALL, press B under INSTALL to install
the application.
The screen will display a series of installation steps. A checkmark will
appear as each step is completed. This may take several minutes.
When your phone has finished installing the application, press A
under DONE.
From the Java Apps screen, press R to scroll to the application you
want to run.
Press B under RUN or SELECT.
Press e .