Nokia C5-06 Cell Phone User Manual

Go to a bookmarked website while browsing
> and a bookmark.
Subscribe to a web feed
You don't have to visit your favourite websites regularly to keep up with what's new
on them. You can subscribe to web feeds and get links to latest content automatically.
Select Menu > Web.
Web feeds on web pages are usually indicated with
. They are used to share, for
example, the latest news headlines or blog entries.
Go to a blog or web page that contains a web feed, and select
> and the desired
Update a feed
In the Web feeds view, select and hold the feed, and from the pop-up menu, select
Set a feed to automatically update
In the Web feeds view, select and hold the feed, and from the pop-up menu, select
Edit > Automatic updates.
Unreadable characters while browsing the web
If unreadable characters are displayed, select Menu > Web and
> > Page >
Default encoding and the correct encoding for the character set of the language.
Positioning (GPS)
You can use applications such as GPS data to calculate your location or measure
distances. These applications require a GPS connection.
About GPS
The availability and quality of GPS signals may be affected by your location, satellite
positions, buildings, natural obstacles, weather conditions, and adjustments to GPS
satellites made by the United States government. GPS signals may not be available
inside buildings or underground.
Do not use GPS for precise location measurement, and never rely solely on the
location info provided by GPS and cellular networks.
62 Positioning (GPS)