Off—Used to turn off tones. No tones
are sent when you press a key.
Set length
You can specify DTMF-tone length for
the Fixed option. In standby mode,
select Menu > Settings > Phone >
DTMF tones > DTMF tone length >
Short (95 ms) or Long (350 ms).
Start-up tone
You can select to have a start-up tone
when you first turn on your device.
In standby mode, select Menu >
Settings > Phone > Start-up tone >
On orOff.
Help text activation
Your device displays brief descriptions
for most menu items. When you arrive
at a feature or menu, pause for about
14 seconds, and wait for the help text
to be displayed. If necessary, use the
scroll key to page through the full help
The default setting for help text is On.
However, you can turn help text on or
off. In standby mode, select Menu >
Settings > Phone > Help text
■ Voice commands and
voice tags
Before using voice tags, note the
• Voice tags are not
language-dependent, but depend
on the speaker’s voice.
• You must say the name exactly as
you said it when you recorded it.
• Voice tags are sensitive to
background noise. Record voice
tags, and use them in a quiet
• Very short names are not accepted.
Use long names, and avoid similar
names for different numbers.
Note: Using voice tags may
be difficult in a noisy
environment or during an
emergency, so you should not
rely on voice dialling in all
Hands-free operation
You can set as many as 16 voice
commands to enable hands-free
operation of certain features in your
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