Calculator, tip calculator and converter
Using the calculator
1. Tap Menu
> Tools > Calculator.
2. Tap the numbers and / /
/ to calculate.
3. Tap , or press the clear key to
erase one digit.
4. Tap and hold to reset.
5. Tap to use the decimal point.
Using the tip calculator
1. Tap Menu
> Tools > Tip
2. Tap to enter values for all variable
fields (Bill($), Tip(%), Split) and
the corresponding calculation fields
(Total($), Tip($), You Pay($)) are
updated automatically.
3. Tap Reset to reset.
4. Tap to use the decimal point.
Using the converter
1. Tap Menu
> Tools > Converter.
2. Tap / to select the categories.
3. Tap the field to enter figure and scroll left or right to select
the unit. Then other unit fields are updated automatically.
4. Tap Reset to reset.
Stop watch and timer
Using the stop watch
1. Tap Menu
> Tools > Stop
2. Tap / to select Basic, Split or
3. Tap Start to start.
4. Tap Stop to pause.
5. Tap Continue to resume.
6. Tap Reset to clear.