
Doing Your Work
4–6 Sage CRM
The Communication Summary page for the communication is displayed.
When you scroll down the page you can view the status, action (type),
date/time, and details of the communication.
In addition, you can select:
The Continue link to return to the list of Communications that were
returned from your search.
The Edit link to change the status of the Communication.
The Main Menu link to return to the Main Menu.
Navigating your Calendar
To navigate to your Calendar:
1. Select Communications from the Main Menu.
2. From the Communication Search page, select the Calendar link.
A calendar displays for the current month, organized per week. If you have
any tasks or appointments for a specific week, the calendar entry is prefixed
by "(A)" for appointments or "(T)" for tasks.
CRM Calendar
3. Select a week in which you have appointments or tasks.
A list of days is displayed.
4. Select a day in which you have an appointment or task (A) or (T).
The communication list for that day is displayed.
Now you can select the link of the Communication you want to view and
review the Communication Summary page in the usual way.