
Finding and Progressing a Case
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–9
Opportunity Progress
8. Change the Status to Won and the Stage to Sale Closed. Add a tracking note
providing additional information, and click the Save link.
The sales opportunity is updated.
Finding and Progressing a Case
There are a number of ways to find a case, as follows:
From the Company Summary page, select the Case link to view a list of cases
associated with that company.
From the Person Summary page, select the Case link to view a list of cases
associated with that person.
From the Main Menu, select Case, choose the search criteria you wish to
apply and select the Search link. A list of cases that match the search criteria
you specified is displayed.
Example: Progressing a Case
To progress a case:
1. Open the Case Summary page.
The Case Progress page is displayed.
2. Select the Progress link from the list of available actions.
3. Set the Stage to Investigating and the Problem Type to Faulty component.
4. Select the Save link.