The following options are available:
Paste: allows you to paste the number into the
normal dialling mode. Use this option to dial a
number similar to one in Phonebook, such as a
different extension in the same office.
Use the C key to change the number as required;
see page 22 for further details. When you are ready
to dial, press the key.
Edit: allows you to edit the Phonebook entry.
Select One Entry to change one number in the
selected name. If you change the name, the
number is saved separately
Erase: allows you to erase the name and number
from Phonebook. You are asked to confirm that you
wish to erase the name and number by pressing the
Yes soft key.
Copy: allows you to copy the number to another
location. Use this option to store a number similar
to one already in the memory; once copied, edit the
number and store it in Phonebook.
Caller Group: allows you to organise your
Phonebook entries in up to 10 caller groups so that
the phone alerts you in a specific way when a
person from one of your groups calls you. Select
one of ten groups available.
To remove an entry from a group, select the No
Group option.
highlight a
different option
or key until the
required option highlights.
To Press the
For further details about how to change caller group
properties, see page 37.
Add Entry: allows you to add a new number to the
Searching for a Number in
After storing numbers in Phonebook, you can
search for them in two ways; by name and by caller
Searching for a Number by Name
1. When the idle screen displays, press the Name
soft key.
2. Press the Select soft key when Search
highlights. You are asked to enter a name.
3. Enter the first few letters of the name that you
wish to find.
The Phonebook entries are listed, starting with
the first entry matching your input.
4. To Press the
view the
highlighted entry
View soft key.
select a different
or key until the
entry you want is
look for a name
starting with a
different letter
key labelled with the