1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-122
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 1 of 2
Summary: This procedure describes the steps required to perform a forced network discovery.
The forced discovery function compares the NMIC database with the physical topology to ensure
the physical equipment on the ring matches what the NMIC thinks is there.
1. Select the Configuration pull down menu, Topology, and Force Network Discovery from
the task bar by single clicking on it with the left mouse button or by hitting Alt+C, Alt+T,
and Alt+F. Refer to Figure 719-1.
2. The system responds with a message window stating that the GUI is forcing rediscovery on
the network and to please wait as shown in Figure 719-2.
3. If the system fails to force network discovery, and error message will appear as shown in
Figure 719-3. The user should then verify the RIC cards are in a normal state (status LEDs
are green) at each node and then return to step one of this procedure.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.
Cellworx Vision Subnetwork Management System
File Configuration Fault Performance
NMIC Platform
Time and Date
Remove Expansion Shelf Network Element
Remove Ring Network Element
Add Expansion Shelf Network Element
Add Ring Network Element
Force Network Discovery ...
Turn Up Ring...
Revert to Saved Icon Layout...
Ring Audit
Ring Upgrade
Figure 719-1. Cellworx Vision Configuration Pull Down Menu
Forcing rediscovery on the network. Please wait...
Figure 719-2. Cellworx Vision Rediscovery Message