ADCP-70-220 • Issue 1 • November 2000 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-28
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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Summary: This procedure outlines the steps required to create ATM Virtual Path Connections
(VPC) and Virtual Channel Connections (VCC) through the Cellworx STN network. A VCC is
an individual channel between two communicating systems. The VPC allows multicasting of
several VCCs to ease routing between switches where multiple VCCs share a common path. The
VPCs are a common requirement of WAN installations. The administrator should have acquired
a work order defining the bandwidth requirements, service type, and Quality of Service (QoS)
for each connection before proceeding.
1. Creating traffic contracts. DLP-709
2. Create an ATM VP or VC connection through the Cellworx
STN system. DLP-708
3. Create an ATM VP Multicast Connection. DLP-787
4. Create an ATM Bundled VC Multicast Connection. DLP-790
5. Add a Leaf Endpoint to an In-Service Connection. DLP-791
Stop! You have completed this procedure.