1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-211
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 2 of 3
4. Type the following command to create the first archive for the Performance data. Note you
should be in the /cellworx directory. You can determine this by typing “pwd”. Also note
there is a date in the middle of the file name (050500). Change this date to reflect the date
the command is being run on.
• tar –zcvf /tmp/perf_050500.tar.gz performance
5. Type the following command to create the first archive for the Alarm History data. Note
you should be in the /cellworx directory. You can determine this by typing “pwd”. Also
note there is a date in the middle of the file name (050500). Change this date to reflect the
date the command is being run on.
• tar –zcvf /tmp/alarm_050500.tar.gz alarmHistory
6. Type the following command to create the first archive for the Accounting data. Note you
should be in the /cellworx directory. You can determine this by typing “pwd”. Also note
there is a date in the middle of the file name. Change this date to reflect the date the
command is being run on.
• tar –zcvf /tmp/accounting_050500.tar.gz accounting
7. If you choose you can type the following commands to see the files that were created in
steps 4, 5, and 6.
• ls –la /tmp/*.tar.gz
8. At this point the files /tmp/perf_050500.tar.gz, /tmp/alarm_050500.tar.gz, and
/tmp/accounting_050500.tar.gz have been created. Establish an FTP session with the
NMIC using the correct IP address for the desired network.
• ftp <NMIC IP address>
9. A login prompt should appear requiring the user to enter the correct user name and
password e.g. userid=cellworx, password=cellworx#1. The account cellworx is by default
already on the NMIC but any user account except the root user account may be used.
10. Enter the following commands:
• ftp> bin (to set transfer to binary mode)
• ftp> prompt (this disables the system from prompting the user for
confirmation of every file encountered)
• ftp> hash (turn on the hash marks for progress indication)