1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-165
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 3 of 9
14. The system responds with an informational message similar to Figure 731-11, asking the
user to confirm that the slot 17 ring system works properly. The user may select the
Suspend button while rectifying any system problems or select the Next >> button to
continue with the upgrade. When the user selects the Suspend button, a confirmation
window appears as shown in Figure 731-14. Select Halt to stop the upgrade momentarily,
Revert to fallback to the previous ring type (155c or 622c), or Continue to return to the last
step completed and finish the ring upgrade. If reverting back to the previous ring type, the
system software will guide the user through each step in reverse to minimize traffic loss. If
continuing, select the Next>> button and go to the next step.
15. The final warning message comes up informing the user that upon completion of the next
step, the user cannot perform a fallback procedure. Refer to Figure 731-15 and left click on
the Complete button.
18. The system finishes it software configuration and a ring upgrade completion message
appears as shown in Figure 731-16. Select the OK button.
19. By double clicking on any node from the GUI main screen, the chassis level view will
appear and display the 2488 cards in slots 16 and 17. They should be green, indicating there
is no problem. Refer to the TAP section of this document for any alarm conditions that may
Stop! You have completed this procedure.
Cellworx Vision Subnetwork Management System
File Configuration Fault Performance Accounting Security
Time and Date
NMIC Platform
Remove Expansion Shelf Network Element
Remove Ring Network Element
Add Expansion Shelf Network Element
Add Ring Network Element
Force Network Discovery ...
Turn Up Ring...
Revert to Saved Icon Layout...
Ring Audit...
Ring Upgrade...
Figure 731-1. Ring Upgrade Pull-Down Menu