ADCP-70-220 • Issue 1 • November 2000 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-8
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
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Summary: This procedure covers initial ring network turn-up. Provisioning of the ring nodes
and interfaces as well as adding STN-EPS shelves to the ring nodes is covered in other NTPs. All
ring nodes should be powered on and fiber continuity established between them, completing the
ring architecture (see Installation Guide) before attempting to perform this procedure. Ring
network turn up is originated at the GNE (Gateway Network Element) containing the NMIC
cards. The NMIC card(s) in the GNE contain the proper Operating System and software from the
factory, which must be initialized and loaded from the hard drive. Once the GNE is initialized,
and the other ring nodes are discovered, the NMIC cards can download the required software
loads to the shelf controllers in the remote ring nodes.
Note: If adding a new node to an existing ring network, go to NTP-003.
Note: If adding a node to an in-service stand alone terminal or Service Access
Multiplexer (SAM) to form a ring, go to NTP-004.
Note: If adding expansion shelves to existing nodes, go to NTP-005.
1. Verify NMICs are inserted.
2. Verify all shelf controllers and AICs are installed and nodes are
powered on. If not powered, perform power on procedures. DLP-700
3. Verify that the GNE node, ring nodes, expansion nodes, and/or
SAM/DSLAM nodes are properly identified by the thumbwheel
switch settings on the SC terminating EIM (TEIM) at the rear of
the shelf in slot 18. Refer to the Phase 3.1 Cellworx Installation
Manual listed in the preface of this document. 1152693
Note: If the ID switches are reset then the SC must be hard reset using the Reset buttons
under the front hinged panel.
4. All RIC cards should have fibers connected with one ring in a
clockwise direction, and the other in a counter-clockwise
direction. If fibers are not installed, install per local practices
and connect to optical cards. DLP-701
5. Obtain the IP address of the NMIC. If the IP address is not set,
connect a VT100 Terminal to the NMIC RS232 port and set the
IP address for the GNE. Call the Customer Service number at
the back of this manual if the address has already been set. DLP-702
6. Connect an Ethernet cable to the NMIC Ethernet port on the
NMIC EIM (Electrical Interface Module) at the rear of the shelf. DLP-704
Note: The NMIC will boot and download slot 1 shelf controllers in each ring NE. The
slot one SC in each node then downloads to each slot 18 SC.