1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Operation and Maintenance
Page 2-349
© 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Page 4 of 4
14. To remove a GUI user from the system database, enter the LINUX command “remove
user” as shown followed by a space, then the username assigned by the administrator
followed by an Enter or Return.
• rmuser <username>
15. The system responds with “user <username> has been deleted”. The system attempts to
“replicate” or copy the new data to the “peer” or stand-by NMIC. If successful, the system
responds with “Replicated user data to peer NMIC” and returns the administrator to the
root prompt. If a stand-by NMIC is not available or not installed, the system responds with
“Failed to replicate user data to peer NMIC. If so, the user will have to perform a NMIC
Protection Restoration per DLP-725 once the stand-by NMIC is brought into service.
16. The system then asks the administrator if he wishes to remove the deleted users home
directory. It is recommended that the deleted user’s directory be deleted as this will free up
space on the drive. This directory contains topology layout information and other
information specific to that user and will not effect the other users. Enter a “Y” followed by
an Enter or Return.
17. To change the access level of a current user, the administrator can enter the following
command using the user defined variable for username, and the GUI defined access level of
1, 2 or 3. Refer to the summary for definitions of GUI user levels at the beginning of this
procedure if needed. Use the LINUX command “change access” followed by a space, then
the user name assigned by the administrator followed by a space, and the new level of GUI
access to be assign to the existing user followed by an Enter or Return.
• chaccess <username> <GUI access level>
18. The system responds with “Changing user <username> to access level <GUI access
level>.” The system attempts to “replicate” or copy the new data to the “peer” or stand-by
NMIC. If successful, the system responds with “Replicated user data to peer NMIC” and
returns the administrator to the root prompt. If a stand-by NMIC is not available or not
installed, the system responds with “Failed to replicate user data to peer NMIC.” If so, the
user will have to perform a NMIC Protection Restoration per DLP-725 once the stand-by
NMIC is brought into service.
19. Next the system prompts the administrator to instruct the user changed to exit his/her GUI
and restart it so the access level can take effect. This is intended to inform the user that
until the exit takes place, the new changes will not take effect.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.